Here is an example of good metadata to create for your home page if you were a portrait photographer. This is meeting all of Google's requirements while connecting with the user to urge them to click on the website:
Your Metadata title is a brief and accurate description of your business using the main location your business is registered, what your main service is for that page, and your business name. This appears in both search and open website browser tabs.
The optimal length is: 55-60 characters.
Example: "Greensboro, NC Portrait Photographer | PhotoBiz"
Your meta description should summarize what this page is about. Search engines use this to give users a brief summary of the page/website before they click on it, so finding a balance for Google and users is important. Make sure to use the main keyword from your title and your main location, while also including some verbiage that shows users what sets you apart and make them want to click to see more.
The optimal length is: 50-155 characters.
Example: "Portrait Photographer specializing in capturing families, seniors,
engagements & more to preserve your most precious moments in
Greensboro, NC & beyond."
Keywords and phrases should be unique, separated by commas, and relevant to the content of the page you are optimizing. You should use no more than 15 keyword phrases per page to avoid being penalized by Google.
Example: "Greensboro Portrait Photographer, Greensboro Family Portraits, Greensboro Senior Portraits, Greensboro Engagement Photographer, Greensboro Photographer, Winston Salem Portrait Photographer, Winston Salem Family Portraits, Winston Salem Senior Portraits, Winston Salem Engagement Photographer, Winston Salem Photographer, High Point Portrait Photographer, High Point Family Portraits, High Point Senior Portraits, High Point Engagement Photographer, High Point Photographer"