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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
By Blake M
What in the world is metadata?
(Article was revised 1/19/2021)
Metadata is what tells Google how your website should be categorized. Each page on your website should have its own, unique metadata so that they’re more likely to be indexed by the search engines. Does metadata affect ranking? No and Yes. It affects where and what you rank in, but does not get your website placed above or below a competitor's website.
As you can imagine, metadata optimization is important and should be done first before improving your online presence with search engines.
Google needs to know where to place you before you climb the ranking system.
Can I see it? Can my audience see it?
Yup! Metadata is set up as a Title, Description, and a group of Keyword Phrases for each page. Primary Metadata goes on the homepage to introduce your website, while more unique and specific Metadata falls on the rest of the pages.
If you have used Google, you have seen Metadata. Here, check this out :

If you’re looking for the group of Metadata Keywords, you won’t find them. They are for Google’s eyes and won’t show up in a Google search. Regardless, using certain keywords in the title/description is still a very good practice.
Side note: Using keywords on the front end of the website (that match what’s on the back end) is great! Tell your audience the same exact thing you tell Google. Keyword Phrases should be location-based and also tell what you do.
Example: “Greensboro Wedding Photographer” is one keyword phrase.
Can I add as much as I want? I want to rank everywhere.
I wish, but Google has character limits. They do this to keep listings accurate and so that one Google listing can’t take up the whole page.
I think it’s safe to say that you don’t want to break any rules with Google, right?
Know that you can always rank where and what you want to. Just make sure not to go over the limits below :
- Meta Title (50 - 60 characters)
- Meta Description (155 characters)
- Meta Keywords (10-15 unique phrases)
Google recently increased its Meta Description character limit. However, there’s no negative impact for shorter descriptions.
Pretty much! There’s always plenty of research to be done for the best phrases to use depending on your area and business. But, it does not have to be rocket science. (Unless… you’re a rocket scientist.)
Blake M.
Google Certified SEO Marketing Expert
Blake M. is Google Analytics (GAIQ) certified and has a technical & creative background in web design, graphic design, SEO and digital marketing. Having worked in the ad world, Blake brings all these skills together to help PhotoBiz clients optimize their websites and get more business.
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With SEO GO, we'll guide you through fine-tuning your content, crafting effective metadata, and building a digital marketing strategy.