The infamous "About Me" page. It should be easy to create a page about yourself, right? Lets be real...most people don't go around constantly "tooting their own horn," so understandably, writing about yourself can be a little awkward. When building a website, it's incredibly important to include information about who you are, what you do, and why you're passionate about your business. This is the information that draws in a client, and supports their decision to choose you over someone else when it's time to make a purchase.
To make things a little easier, here's a general outline to make an "About Me" page:
Start by introducing yourself
- Introduce yourself and tell a little about who you are
- Don't be all business; include a personal touch
- Keep it simple
I’m Carrie Hamrick; project manager, speaker, idea generator, lover of all things North Carolina, and dog-mom to (arguably) the cutest little beagle in the world.

Talk about your professional self
- What kind of work do you do?
- What elements of your work are unique to you? (Do you exclusively shoot weddings?, Do you have a signature style?)
- Where do you work?
Day to day, I'm a member of the marketing team at PhotoBiz in Greensboro, NC. I help keep track of the projects we’re working on, and make sure we’re all in the know about what we're responsible for and when things are due. Additionally, I travel to different conferences around the country to speak on topics like SEO, Branding, and Online Marketing.

Move into what you're passionate about, and why
- What part of your work are you most passionate about?
- What experience caused you to care most about this aspect of your work?
You’ll also see my name as author of several articles within our Growth Hub. After being in marketing for over three years, I’ve come to learn just how important it is for companies to hear relevant information from real people, and being able to provide that kind of information to small businesses is something I'm truly passionate about.

Add in a personal anecdote
- What makes you, you?
- It's ok to be a little quirky
Apart from work, I enjoy trying out new restaurants, exploring North Carolina, spending quality time with Netflix, and taking my dog, Andie, to the park.

End with why and how people can contact you
- What do you want people to contact you about?
- How do you want people to communicate with you?
- Link to your contact page
- Include your phone number, or a link to call
I’d love to chat about the goals you have with your business, how you want to improve your online presence, and why everyone seems to be in this crazy race to be at the top of a little (ok, maybe big) thing called Google. Send a note my way, or give me a call. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Once everything is together, here's what you'll have:
I’m Carrie; project manager, speaker, idea generator, lover of all things North Carolina, and dog-mom to (arguably) the cutest little beagle in the world.
Day to day, I'm a member of the marketing team at PhotoBiz in Greensboro, NC. I help keep track of the projects we’re working on, and make sure we’re all in the know about what we're responsible for and when things are due. Additionally, I travel to different conferences around the country to speak on topics like SEO, Branding, and Online Marketing.
You’ll also see my name as author of several articles within our Growth Hub. After being in marketing for over three years, I’ve come to learn just how important it is for companies to hear relevant information from real people, and being able to provide that kind of information to small businesses is something I'm truly passionate about.
Apart from work, I enjoy trying out new restaurants, exploring North Carolina, spending quality time with Netflix, and taking my dog, Andie, to the park.
I’d love to chat about the goals you have with your business, how you want to improve your online presence, and why everyone seems to be in this crazy race to be at the top of a little (ok, maybe big) thing called Google. Send a note my way, or give me a call. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Breaking things down always makes things a lot less scary. By following the guidlines above, you can have a strong "About Me" page that markets your small business. I'll leave you with a few extra pro-tips, to make sure your "About Me" page is in tip-top shape for your customers, as well as for search engines:
- Write like you speak. Potential clients want to experience the real you, not read your resume.
- Don't put up a wall...of text. Nothing will make someone click off of a page like a wall of text. Break up the sections so the information can be taken in with ease.
- Include an image of yourself. This. is. critical. People want to know who they're working with. Remember your website is for potential clients, not for yourself. Show who you are.
- Quality over quantity. Try and keep your copy around 200-250 words. Any more, and you run the risk of it being categorized as TLDR - too long, didn't read.