Contact Page
This one feels like a given! It's an important way for people to connect with you, but you'd be surprised how many people don't have a contact page or hide it in a dropdown menu, making it difficult to find. A contact page is crucial for your business to run. It lets customers ask questions, make plans for booking you, or share comments and concerns with you.
It should include where you are located, what your phone number is, and a way to send you a message such as a form that collects their name, phone number, email address, and a message.
Now don’t confuse this with a booking page. Some people try to merge the contact and booking page, but we recommend against that. Booking forms and contact pages should each be their own page. Contact pages should allow customers to ask questions. If you only have a booking page, and someone sees that as the only choice that may prevent them from contacting you.
If you want customers, you should always have a contact page that is easy to find from every page of your website.