Updated Universal Checkout Process
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
By PhotoBiz Marketing
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A clear, simple, and secure checkout process is important for online sales. We recently made updates to the universal checkout process for the main PhotoBiz Ecommerce tools with that in mind — Store (for your website) and Proofing.

The universal checkout process is a series of four steps that your customers go through when they pay for something. This might be a print or digital file through Proofing events or a product through your Online Store.

With the redesign, each step of the universal checkout process now has a split view to see the running total for the order on the right side of the screen on larger screens. On mobile phones, the running total displays at the top, making the experience completely mobile responsive and client-friendly.


The meta title for each page was also updated to pull your company name from the Global Branding settings in your account. For example:

  • Checkout pages: Secure Checkout -  Your Company Name

  • Order Receipt: ORD6708-85 - Your Company Name


Step 1: Details

The first step of the universal checkout process is entering billing and shipping information. Often this information is the same, so there is a radio select button to indicate if this is the case or not. If the information is not the same, then additional fields will display to allow your customer to enter the shipping information separately. To proceed, they simply click CONTINUE.


Step 2: Shipping

The next step is to choose a shipping method (based on what you have set up). The running total on the right side will update based on the shipping option selected. Once again, to proceed your customer will click CONTINUE. 


Step 3: Payment

You can set up multiple payment methods for your customers. You can allow your customers to pay with a gift card, PayPal, credit card, or even with an offline payment method such as cash or check. 

During the payment step of checkout, you can also collect additional information from your customers using the custom checkout option to add additional personalization or get your customers to agree to the terms and conditions of the sale.

Once your customer makes their selections, they will need to click SUBMIT ORDER to complete checkout.


Step 4: Confirmation message

After the order processes, your customer will receive a confirmation message both on-screen and by email (provided in the details step). Depending on the payment method they select, a custom thank you message will display.

These four simple steps, allow your customers to securely pay online for your products and services. Watch the following video to see the PhotoBiz universal checkout process in action.

This new universal checkout process applies to clients with PhotoBiz 8 (our newest website builder) and Proofing.

If you have any questions, please give our Passionate SupportⓇ team a call at 866.463.7620. We are available Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 6 PM ET.

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