Start by selecting a template. (You can change your template anytime you like later, so don't worry!) You'll be asked if you want to import your existing content or start fresh using the template’s pre-filled layout.
The import tool is extremely useful if you’re already pretty happy with how your website looks.
When you choose to import, our system will take your existing content and put in the new PhotoBiz 9 blocks for you. The import tool is pretty smart! If you don't have a lot of extra code or CSS on your current site, we find that it is about 90% accurate.
You should look over your pages and make sure everything is where you want it before you go live. The PhotoBiz 9 version of your website will be hidden from visitors until you are ready to publish.
Starting fresh means that the system will load everything in the template for you to customize using the PhotoBiz 9 builder. All of the blocks, images, and placeholder text will be there for you to edit, move, configure, and load your own images into.
This is great for folks who want to try a brand-new look and take advantage of our designer-styled layouts! Our designers have created these templates so that photographers can just pop in their own words and images and roll.