PhotoBiz Scheduler In Action!
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Thursday, February 13, 2020
By Jeremy H
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Since we've released The PhotoBiz Scheduler last December, We've seen many professional photographers adapting it in different ways.  We wanted to showcase some of our recent favorites so you can see how each is utilizing it for their business!

Booking A Session

David Blazze of Blazzin Pix allows customers to choose their session type and style and put down deposits for the time they booked.  This streamlines his process and will enable customers to book in advance. Booking this way keeps his business working for him and gets customers paying for events throughout his business week, and it shows his availability fast and easy. So he just has to push those pages on social media posts to book clients with ease.

Booking Consultations

Renee Buckles of Renee Buckles Photography allows session booking, but what caught our eye is her consultation booking! She enables her clients to book the dates for in-person consultations and sales. Booking this way is great for meet and greets and post-session in-person meetings. Renee control's when she wants to be shooting vs. consultations instead of giving control to the client.

Choose Your Own Package

For real estate and commercial photography, Mark Jacobs of Mark Jacobs Productions allows his clients to choose their packages to showcase their aerial and in-home video and photography for MLS listings. This package model is an excellent way for him to create unique packages, and he knows exactly what type of shoot it is before he arrives. No last-second additions or changes, The PhotoBiz Scheduler allows him to be in control of his shooting schedule and the kind of photoshoot.

The PhotoBiz Scheduler allows you to have control of your business, time, and how you spend it. Have you used the PhotoBiz Scheduler yet? Let us know in the comments we'd love to see them! Have questions or want to set up the scheduler? Give our support team a call at 1-866-463-7620. They can assist you in getting your scheduler online!

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