This information is great for Google and other search engines to learn about the content of your blog post. Search engines crawl the text on your website, including your blog posts, and your title and meta descriptions are displayed in search results to encourage people to follow the link to your website.
Here is an example:
Your blog title is a brief & accurate description of your business / topic. Appears in both search and open website browser tabs.
The optimal length is: 55-60 characters.
Example: "Top 10 Beautiful Beach Weddings at Wilmington Beach, NC".
Your meta description should summarize your blogs content. Search engines use this to give users a brief summary of the page/website before they click in it.
The optimal length is: 50-155 characters.
Example: "Jenny Jones is a PPA certified photographer who has specialized in wedding and engagement photos for over 5
years. Here's her top 10 beach weddings."
Keywords and phrases should be unique, separated by commas, and relevant to the content of your blog. You should use no more than 15 keyword phrases per blog to avoid being penalized by search engines.
Example: "Jenny Jones Wedding Photography, Wilmington Beach Wedding Photography, Wilmington Wedding Portraits..."
That's it. Save your SEO settings and when you publish your blog post, this information will be associated with your post. There are complex algorithms to determine page rankings in search engines, but the important part to know is the more relevant your post is to the keywords people search and the more engagement your post receives, the higher it will rank.