Valuable Pages
These pages help with SEO as well as selling your products and services.
Blog: A blog is essential to tell stories about and keep fresh content on your site. Search engines like to see new content and each blog post can be focused on different keywords related to your business.
Gallery/Portfolio: For a photographer, your portfolio is how you attract customers. Your potential customers and current customers want to see samples of your work. Having at least one gallery on your website to showcase your work is excellent.
FAQs: Everyone has questions. An FAQ page can help explain your process, help customers understand what you offer, and other relevant information. If you repeatedly get the same questions, consider adding them to your FAQs page.
Testimonials: Your customer's experiences are valuable for buyers and SEO. Showcase testimonials on your website on their own dedicated page and sprinkled throughout your site when talking about products or services highlighted in the testimonials. If you can include a customer's name and picture along with their testimonial, they are even more valuable.
Store: If you sell items or services, having a storefront is added to your main navigation only makes sense. You're only making it easier for a customer to purchase from you. So if you have a store function added to your website, make it easy to navigate to.