NEW! Enhanced Email Metrics
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Friday, April 21, 2017
By Holly H
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Just released: Enhanced Email Metrics.


Now you can get even more information about how people interact with the emails you send via your PhotoBiz Email Marketing tool.

In addition to knowing HOW MANY people read your email, bounced, unsubscribed or clicked on your campaign, you’ll now be able to get a detailed breakdown of WHO performed these actions.


This is great information to have and can help you refine additional targeted messages to your clients and leads.

Along with your website, you automatically get 100 emails to send each month, totally free. 


There are plenty of ways to use email marketing (and remarketing) to effectively reach your customers according to a user's behavior.


Perhaps you’d like to share a secret deal with your biggest fans. Now you’ll have ready-made lists of people who actively click and get involved with your business.


Maybe you’d like to send “second-chance” emails to people who opened your offer... but didn’t click through. A message that creates urgency can work well for a group that is weighing their options before they buy. (“Only a few spots left... don’t miss out!”)


You can send follow-up notices to people who didn't open your initial message. Some people are just bad email-checkers. Don't let them miss out on your deal just because they took a few days off!


If you’d like some pointers on how to use email marketing or want to talk strategy, give us a ring at 866.463.7620.


No question is too small! Your PhotoBiz team is always here to help you not only improve your website – but to grow your business, too.


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